Goran Babarogic Product UX Designer

AI Engineer

AI Engineer

Recent Projects

Recent Projects


Built with AI agentic design, Celp is a coding agent that deeply understands your code saving you time and ensuring code stability.

Premium UX Template for Framer


Built with AI agentic design, Celp is a coding agent that deeply understands your code saving you time and ensuring code stability.


Built with AI agentic design, Celp is a coding agent that deeply understands your code saving you time and ensuring code stability.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Extract AI

A Visual Studio Code extension designed to enhance the way developers work with code and AI models. This extension allows users to highlight code, right-click, and select the "Copy Code For AI" option to copy not just the selected code, but also related references and dependencies.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Extract AI

A Visual Studio Code extension designed to enhance the way developers work with code and AI models. This extension allows users to highlight code, right-click, and select the "Copy Code For AI" option to copy not just the selected code, but also related references and dependencies.

Extract AI

A Visual Studio Code extension designed to enhance the way developers work with code and AI models. This extension allows users to highlight code, right-click, and select the "Copy Code For AI" option to copy not just the selected code, but also related references and dependencies.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Chess Lens.ai

Chess Lens allows you to scan your notation sheet simply by using your smartphone camera! After any game you play, capture your notation with a quick snapshot, and not only witness it come alive on a chess board but also gain invaluable AI-generated insights to boost your strategy and master the game.

Premium UX Template for Framer

Chess Lens.ai

Chess Lens allows you to scan your notation sheet simply by using your smartphone camera! After any game you play, capture your notation with a quick snapshot, and not only witness it come alive on a chess board but also gain invaluable AI-generated insights to boost your strategy and master the game.

Chess Lens.ai

Chess Lens allows you to scan your notation sheet simply by using your smartphone camera! After any game you play, capture your notation with a quick snapshot, and not only witness it come alive on a chess board but also gain invaluable AI-generated insights to boost your strategy and master the game.

Premium UX Template for Framer